Nicolas Harding writes F.A.Z. guest article on new draft law

Lawyer Dr. Nicolas Harding presents for F.A.Z.-Einspruch the joint draft law of the “Ampel” parliamentary groups and the CDU/CSU parliamentary group on parliamentary public relations work, which the Bundestag Committee for the Scrutiny of Elections, Immunity and the Rules of Procedure will soon be discussing.

The draft takes up the criticism of the Bundesrechnungshof that parliamentary group employees use state funds for election campaigns without there being a sufficient connection to the parliamentary group. It should be made clear that the limits of public relations work also apply in social networks. Although Harding welcomes the current draft law, he believes it would be “desirable to also regulate the public relations work of state officials in government positions”. Dr. Nicolas Harding is part of the Public Law Department at BROCK MÜLLER ZIEGENBEIN and acts in an advisory capacity together with Dr. Kalscheuer. You can find the entire article under the following link.